You are seeking advice? I look forwards to hearing from you.


A few words before we start

Filling out this contact form is not legally binding in any way. When you send us this completed form we will send you a short initial questionnaire as a pdf in which you describe your concerns and current situation. In addition, you will receive information on how we work as well as a sample remuneration agreement.

Net hourly rates
Thomas Breit €750 per hour
Assigned tax advisor accourding § 58 StBerG €650 per hour
Team member €550 per hour

We are a tax consultancy office specializing in tax structuring and succession planning. We can provide you with comprehensive and interdisciplinary support and advice in these matters. Please visit our YouTube channel: Thomas Breit Tax Services

We do not offer routine accountancy and payroll services. However, if you would like us to work with you, we can refer you to our network of long-standing, highly qualified and fully digital partners.

Please email me the information and questionnaire

Please confirm

Please confirm

Thank you for your interest, we would be happy if you come back to us at a later date.

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